For all new trade and wholesale requests for access to Motorsport Brakes B2B online ordering platform click here
Once you click through from here, then you simply click the ‘Request Access’ section and fill in your details. We will then be in contact to determine the price level your business will be placed on and send access your way!
Small print… To access any price level other than Retail:
- Your business must have an ABN.
- Your business will need to be in the Automotive parts supply industry.
- Your business must have a commercial address for all FREE FREIGHT shipping.
To access Dealer or Wholesale price level your business will need to be carrying stock relevant to the market you service. This is done on a case-by-case basis so please make contact to get it sorted.
Instructional video on how to use our B2B online ordering system:
Note: FREE FREIGHT on all B2B orders over $500
When you order your stock to the value of $500 or more in our B2B trade access website, you will receive your order with no freight charge.
- Order must be to the value of $500 or more
- 3kg and under (normally 1-2 sets) will go via TNT Express Satchel.
- Over 3kg will travel TNT Road or Couriers Please. If you need parts urgently, please let us know!
- All delivery addresses must be commercial business, no PO Boxes or residential street addresses.
- No drop shipping is included in this offer (Drop shipping is available, but charged at regular freight rates)
If you haven’t got a handle on how to use the B2B ordering system yet, have a look HERE or call us for help. 07 3412 3643[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]
Product Display Update
We are updating our system to improve the ease of viewing any particular pad shape.
Previously when searching for a certain pad shape / fitment, you may have been presented with multiple pad type / compound / thickness options. Now when you find the shape you are looking for, results will display the pads as a single item, as below with the shape refered to using the Winmax reference as our standard.
E.g WMP796 = Shape 796.
Click through on this pad shape and you will be presented with all of the pad type options we offer including Winmax and Circo. As below. Simply fill in the order quantites and add to cart as normal.
Backordering on B2B
Up until now, if parts were not in stock at MSB, you could not order them via B2B. However..
We have made some updates that allows you to place parts on order that are not currently in stock. This has the benefit of making sure your customers orders are placed without the chance of being missed!
Manufacturing lead time is 2-3 weeks, so as a general rule for all backordered parts allow 4 weeks from day of order to receiving parts in your store. Keep in mind that we may already have the parts in production so lead time could be shorter, so once the order is received by us we will be in touch with you about expected delivery date.
For urgent parts, call us and we will always do what we can!